A light
in the dark

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Now and then, generous donors leave a part of their estate to Children's Care Emmaus. Of course, such gestures make us extremely happy. Bequests and legacies have often enabled us to overcome emergency situations of people in need.

For the love of life

Bequests and legacies are particularly efficient means of supporting our relief organization. By including Children's Care Emmaus in your will, you create new hope to the hopeless. With a legacy you save life even after your own death.



There are two types of will: The personal (in your own handwriting) and the public (notarial) will. To be considered legally binding, your handwritten will must completely be written in your own handwriting, show the place and exact date and be signed by yourself. The notarial will is drawn up according to your instructions by a public notary and has to be witnessed by him.


In the canton of Berne, marriage partner and descendants as well as relief organizations such as Children's Care Emmaus are exempt from inheritance tax. If you leave us a part of your estate, you are, of course, free to have your funds assigned to a particular purpose. We would, however, ask you to refrain from too restrictive formulations. If there is no condition imposed, funds are always used where help is most urgently required.

How to make your will



Pierre Farine

Executive Secretary


I shall be pleased to advise you personally


031 311 19 39


On request, you can receive free legal advice here.


With the online testament generator of «Dein Adieu» you may, anonymously and free of charge, create your will.

You will also find information in our legacy brochure in German as to how you may consider Children's Care Emmaus in your testament.